Sunday, February 3, 2008

If it does not hurt you enough, you will not improve your life

North Americans have a particular advantage in leaving their brutal reality of being broke and
moving right up to the millionaire league. Since decades millions of immigrants relocated to
the USA and Canada in search for a better life. Even today, the USA is admired worldwide as
the land of unlimited opportunities. All you need is the drive to succeed, work hard enough on
yourself and you can still make it from dishwasher to millionaire quicker than you may think.

So why then is it that the grand majority of Americans are so broke? Well, part of the problem
is our education system. Our parents never showed us how to spend our money wisely. Our
schoolteachers never taught us how to manage our money, because they never learned it
themselves. Besides, many teachers are so broke because they never studied the subject
while they were becoming teachers. You see, it is a reality that the two most important
subjects are not taught or only minimal at any school, from Kindergarten right up to Grade 12.
These subjects, money management, and how do I build relationships to communicate
effectively with each other.

It is somewhat hard to imagine that the subjects of World and US history are so important
that it gets more credits than economics. It gets usually only around five credits in high
schools whereas history gets double that. For some reason it seems to be more important to
know how many people were killed by the Atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima. Alternatively,
how many Indian tribes are there in the USA than learning how to earn a decent living? What
is worse is that communicating with each other is not taught at almost any school. This
subject is usually replaced in high school with things like Government and Civics. That is
were they teach us how to pay our taxes to the IRS.

Our parents give us our weekly money allowance without ever mentioning how to spend
wisely. Then we spend it on things that are not necessary and sometimes not even useful.
Sometimes we receive our credit cards before we can write our signature on it. We are
developing such bad habits at a very early age that continues in our adult life. With the help
from our parents and our friendly banker, we bought our first car. Even so, we knew ahead of
time that we could hardly make the payments for maintenance, fuel, and the high costs for
insurance that await teenagers.

Teenage girls develop a taste very early for expensive clothes and shoes. If they are in the
right mood for it, which is most of the time, they overcharge their credit cards without
remorse. Moreover, why shouldn't they, they are probably not paying the bills either. Few
realize that when the mail carrier arrives with the bills that they are still paying stuff from last
year. Consumer spending keeps the US economy still going. How much longer is anybodies
guess. Investing a few dollars every time we receive it from our parents is taboo by most.

Millions of people hate their low paying 9 to 5 job. It is sad to know that most do absolutely
nothing to improve their life situation. They are trapped and don’t know a way out. Then, the
weekend comes, time to relax and sleep in until 1 or 2 pm. Saturday is usually manageable,
but Sunday afternoon is painful for most, because they begin to think about Monday morning.
They are thinking about another horrible week with such a boring, low paying job and no end
in sight. Time passes by them quick; maybe they change jobs a few times in between and do
something very different for a while. It is doubtful that their economic situation has improved, it
probably never will. Because you will not a thing as long as you are in the comfort zone. It has
to hurt you terribly you before you think about it and take action.

There is help out there, if you just take the time and investigate. Instead of sitting at home
watching TV every night or go out every Friday and Saturday, why not spend a few minutes
searching how to improve your life. Would it surprise you to learn that many millionaires
where at one time dead broke. They weren't any smarter but they had the drive because they
were hurting. How about you, does it hurt you enough? Maybe you set your bar lower and that
is fine. However, you have to start sometime, why not right away, today. Don't wait any
longer. Just do it.

Ted Grischuna is a freelance writer and journalist. You can learn more about how to get from
broke to wealthy in a relatively short time and enjoy a lifestyle that you deserve at

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